availability. You have an admin link you can visit to check all the responses.
- Visit Doodle.com
- Click on Schedule Event
- Enter a meeting title, a description, your name and an optional email address [click image to zoom]
- Enter the proposed day(s) [click image to zoom]
- Enter the proposed meeting times [click image to zoom]
- You have a choice of sending the invitation yourself, the default, or having Doodle.com do it for you. I recommend the default. [click image to zoom]
- Just email the generated Participation link to your meeting participants. Keep the longer, generated Administration link for yourself to track everyone's responses. [click image to zoom]
- Vendor: www.doodle.com
- Schedule meetings in a flash with Doodle, Lifehacker.com
- Doodle puts an end to meeting scheduling nightmares, Jim Gresham, idownloadblog.com, Jul 20 2012